The Armstrongs

​​Let Love Be Your Highest Goal

   Many times in the World we live in today. We have opened the door to the enemy in our lives.

And even though we say a prayer to receive Jesus. We still need to be delivered from strongholds we've let in, in order to be truly free.

  This may be your situation, because it seems to be very common. So, resist being ashamed, and seek out prayer from a leader in your local church perhaps that can help you to be set free. 

Also, baptism in water is very important as well. You want to seek out the opportunity to be baptized into Jesus.

                      ways to grow in the lord

-Read the Bible everyday.

-Pray and talk to God

about everything.

-Always thank Him for all He's done for you.

-Know that the Holy spirit will be prompting you to Give up Sin!

God will help us do this, if we say yes to him.

 Grace- His empowerment not to sin and his forgiveness

when we repent and turn from sin.

Keep good company with other believers who want to put Jesus first in their lives.

​Minister to the lost.


And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.

​                Anyone who believes and is baptized  will be saved.  Mark 16:15


There is power in His name!

​​​Please know that this isn't a prayer that you say and then just live life as you did.

This is a beginning of a life long journey of learning and obeying Gods voice and following it to your end, being salvation into your eternity with Him!


IF YOU ARE DESPERATE! ​​​If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and are ready to totally surrender you're life to him. Repenting is your first step, which means to turn from your sin. If you are ready to do that, one way is to sincerely pray the following prayer in faith, confess that Jesus is God's son, turn from your sin and Jesus will be your Lord, if you allow Him!

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus.  I am calling on You, Lord. I am so sorry for all of my sins. I repent of all of them right now! Please help me to turn from all sin!  Jesus, please come into my heart and be Lord of my life!

 God also said that He will give you a helper and comforter who would teach you,  he is  the Holy Spirit  (Luke 11:13).

I’m also asking You to fill me with the Holy Spirit, Lord. Would you do that right now? I want all you have to give me to live a life of victory in Jesus Christ.

In Jesus name ,Amen

If you have prayed this prayer and meant it, and feel the change in your life. I believe You will have joy. Now, go out and tell somebody what you've done and what the Lord has done for you, this will solidify your new life as a Christian, and start you on your journey of spreading the Gospel.



